Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Fourth Child Saved

We just received an email from a Memphis Side Walk counselor who has been standing vigil in the 40 Days for Life constant vigil at Planned Parenthood that read as follows: 
“I have some exciting news. D.F., who works at fed-ex had a lady come up to her who said, ‘You know I was thinking about getting an abortion, and I saw the people on the street in front of Planned Parenthood. They looked so nice and kind. I could not go in to get the abortion.’ She met with D.F., who is also another side-walk counselor, who showed her what an abortion was. She did not get an abortion.” 
At the same time, the side-walk counselor wrote,
“Abortions are down at the other clinics also that D.F. is counseling at. The other day at Bellevue she said only two cars were in the parking lot. When I drove by there on Wednesday, it was the same way.”
How amazing! The power of God! The power of prayer and fasting! This just goes to show that lives are being affected and possible children are being saved we do not know about. How wonderful! We will know in Heaven how many children were saved because we sacrificed those hours during our week to go down there and be a presence for them and pray for them. May the Lord use those who have responded to His call to stand vigil in many more life-saving ways. We thank you Lord for your mercy. Thank you Lord for this precious life reported saved. 

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