Sunday, October 18, 2009

Our pro-choice friend. Many prayers.


We received news today that a woman, Katie, approached those standing vigil to “protest” the vigil and the thought that the unborn child is actually human and deserving of life and respect.

“Katie. She was our pro-choice protester. We all shared the love of Christ with her. She said she was abused by a pro-lifer and wished she had been aborted. She was very kind but very hurt and angry. She said she would come back....”

We are sorry that she was abused by anyone claiming to be pro-life. Those representing life, representing Christ, should reflect what they represent. Katie remains in our prayers.

God is the Creator of the unborn, and they deserve, by that very fact, to be protected and given life.

“Did not he who made me in the womb make them? Did not the same one form us both within our mothers?” Job 31:15

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