“I am completely incompetent with technology, so maybe someone can post this... 1407 Union was hopping this morning with business. As a couple of friends and I were standing there when a young couple came out. The young man started waving at us and talking to his girlfriend. She kept walking towards the back of the block. I asked him if he needed help and he nodded 'yes'. I asked if she was pregnant and if he was the father. He said 'yes,' but she wanted to have an abortion. Anyway, we gave him some material and told him that we would pray for him and her, so they left. As they drove by you could see that he was not happy and arguing with her to keep their child. Please pray for them. If we had not been there to witness, he would have been alone in this fight for his child's life. Now he knows he is not, and that all of heaven and earth are praying that his baby makes it, and they become a whole family in God's sight. God bless you all.” - Erin
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Pray for Him and Her
“I will extol thee, my God, O king; and I will bless thy name for ever and ever.” Psalm 145:1
How wonderful is our God!?! We cannot wait to see you at the Victory Rally Monday night to share with you and to hear form you the many blessings of our GREAT God!
This has been a tough, but fantastic 39 days! Come out and pray with us tomorrow at Planned Parenthood!
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Make sure to join us for the Fall 2009 40 Days for Life Victory Rally! We are hoping to see EVERYONE! This is going to be an amazing event, and we wouldn’t want anyone to miss it! WE WANT TO SEE YOU THERE!
40 Days for Life happened (and continues to until Sunday) because YOU responded to God’s call to pray, fast, and stand vigil for LIFE! All of the blessings are the fruit of your prayer which God has answered! This is your chance to declare victory!
815 N. McLean Blvd.
TIME: 6:30 PM
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Monday, October 26, 2009
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Mercy offers Life, not death.
"The most merciful thing that a large family does to one of its infant members is to kill it."
Margaret Sanger, Women and the New Race
(Eugenics Publ. Co., 1920, 1923)
Saturday, October 24, 2009
“My heart was broken for them…”
“Unfortunately, my experience at the vigil last Friday reminded me how much work we have to do. A young couple came out of the facility and walked to their car parked across the street in The Cupboard lot. The guy helped the girl to walk and they both looked very sad. They sat in their car a long time before they drove off. We didn't speak, but I feel certain that they had had an abortion. My heart was broken for them and I prayed that they would find peace.” - John
Friday, October 23, 2009
“Today we were at the vigil site, and this young guy approached us. He thanked us for what we were doing. He said, ‘I saw ya’ll out here last year and again now. I noticed that you don’t use graphic photos or stuff like that. Thank you for keeping it classy. I appreciate what you are doing.’” - Ingram
Far from the crazy, shouting, harassing extremists with “graphic signs” they try to make us out to be…
Thursday, October 22, 2009
“I am a sidewalk counselor and had just finished sidewalk counseling for the day before I came over to 1407 Union. I was so discouraged from the morning, however when I turned the corner to get on Union I could see from across the street about 15 people standing with signs saying, ‘Pray to End Abortion.’ They were a local youth group. We stood together for about thirty minutes before some young men came up to us. There were four or five of them. They were so encouraging! They said they were seminarians from Indianapolis. They had come down for an ordination and when they had seen us they said they did a u-turn and just had to come out! They stood for about fifteen minutes as we spoke with them. Then they offered to buy us all hot chocolate or coffee. It was so encouraging. We later learned that a couple at the abortion clinic on McNeil and Popular chose life for their baby during that hour. The freezing cold seemed to have been nothing when I heard that the mother had chosen life. Praise God!” - Dev
Monday, October 19, 2009
Mid-Point Rally! Yay!
The 2009 40 Days for Life Mid-Point Rally was on held on October 12, 2009 at McLean Baptist Church. Over forty people attended the rally, united in a mutual respect for life despite various different cultural and denominational backgrounds.
The rally featured a keynote address by Priests for Life’s Fr. William Scott Daniels, O.P. He shared with all present the importance of always being mindful that we are created in God’s image as unique individuals that cannot be repeated. He brought up the reality that each and every innocent baby murdered through abortion is a human being, an individual soul and person with inherent dignity that is lost to this world once the heinous act of abortion is committed. Fr. Daniels urged all to make a stand for life, saying: “What we do or don’t do towards another human being reflects on how we perceive our own humanity. We can say all day long, ‘I love you God,’ but if it is not manifest in our love for neighbor it is a lie.”
Those who attended were led in hymns by John Simmons, Music Minister of McLean Baptist Church, who also shared his own short testimony on his past experiences taking part in pro-life work, citing the importance and power of prayer in this effort to change hearts and minds and save lives.
The most significant moment of the evening was when those at the rally drove the short distance to Planned Parenthood, circling the building during a candlelit prayer vigil. As the crowd walked down the sidewalk of Union Avenue in prayer holding signs which read, “Pray to End Abortion” and quoting Jeremiah 1:5, supportive honks encouraged. Richard Roland, a coordinator for 40 Days for Life Memphis, led the closing prayer for the event.
Christopher Cook, Campaign Director of 40 Days for Life Memphis, shared the exciting news of the blessings God has given the Fall 2009 campaign. For the past twenty days Christians across the city have been petitioning God to bring an end to abortion not only in their homes, parishes, and local community organizations but also in the daily 14 hour vigil outside Planned Parenthood at 1407 Union Avenue. Since the start of the campaign two mothers have reported saving their children after being convicted on seeing the prayer volunteers outside the clinic, and numerous women and men have been shown a path to find healing for their post-abortive pain. 40 Days for Life will continue for twenty more consecutive days, and prayer volunteers are needed for the daily vigil. To learn more and sign up to be a part of this life-saving effort visit www.40daysforlife.com/memphis, e-mail 40daysforlifememphis@gmail.com, or call 901-267-8592.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Our pro-choice friend. Many prayers.
We received news today that a woman, Katie, approached those standing vigil to “protest” the vigil and the thought that the unborn child is actually human and deserving of life and respect.
“Katie. She was our pro-choice protester. We all shared the love of Christ with her. She said she was abused by a pro-lifer and wished she had been aborted. She was very kind but very hurt and angry. She said she would come back....”
We are sorry that she was abused by anyone claiming to be pro-life. Those representing life, representing Christ, should reflect what they represent. Katie remains in our prayers.
God is the Creator of the unborn, and they deserve, by that very fact, to be protected and given life.
“Did not he who made me in the womb make them? Did not the same one form us both within our mothers?” Job 31:15
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Third baby of the Fall 2009 Campaign reported saved!
“Latisha walked up to some of the prayer volunteers today, and she said that she had watched them for the last five minutes and that God had revealed to her that the abortion she was planning to get was not His will. The prayer volunteers called and told me this and that they had given her Life-Choices information and offered to take her there. She accepted the material and thanked them, saying she had to catch the bus and return home. We thanked God for her and her life-giving choice! I returned to the vigil about thirty minutes later and this woman was talking to those standing vigil then. I asked her what her name was, and it was Latisha again! She said she had left the information somewhere on the bus, she didn’t know where, but that she needed more. She had come back. She was very serious about getting help at Life-Choices and keeping her baby! Please pray for her.” - Mary
This is the 12th child reported saved since 40 Days for Life began in the Fall of 2008. Praise God!
Friday, October 16, 2009
Planned Parenthood’s Poor “Pledge a Picketer” Efforts
Planned Parenthood in Memphis, since 40 Days for Life Memphis began holding 40 Day prayer vigils outside their 1407 location has “retaliated” by hosting something they call “Pledge-a-Picketer.”
One apparently “pledges” to donate money to this organization depending on how many people “picket” their building. Despite that there is no way for them to possibly know how many people are in front of their building at the end of the 40 Days (as, most of the time, we who are planning the vigil calendar do not even know as people are constantly showing up all day long without signing up to stand vigil) they continue to go on with this little money raising scheme campaign after campaign.
The first campaign in 2008 they spread the word of their “means of turning lemons into lemonade” through their website and through the media by inviting the news out. The news was actually quite fair and interviewed us as well. We responded to the news of their effort by saying, “God is more powerful then money.” He will have victory… with Him we will have victory and in the end, no matter how much money they collect to support their endeavor of killing children (which they would collect anyway from the same people who normally donate to them), their killing will come to an end. All evil and injustice will one day.
The second campaign they stuck to their website.
This campaign they have now posted two rather bland, microscopic signs on their windows that we were only able to really get a good image of, even though standing right below them in front of the building, through zooming in with the camera.
There is a huge tree blocking the signs coming up Union one way, and if anyone could see those signs from the third story (much less be able to write down the e-mail address) coming in the other direction I would be greatly surprised.
Despite the poverty of the effort, it made us at 40 Days Memphis very happy to see them. It is nice to know our prayers and presence are having an effect on their business.
This (and all the rather poor efforts by pro-abortion individuals to counter the 40 Days of prayer and fasting across the nation) just goes to show…
Efforts made based on ideology are always poor when compared to those made based on faith and with God.
"Thank-you for all that you do!!! Did you see the pledge-a-pickett
sign in the window? I went to the other end to pray and saw the
sign, boy did I pray harder as I was looking at those windows
knowing what was in there..." - Worthy
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Second Child of the Fall 2009 Campaign Reported Saved!
“It has brought tears to my eyes every time I have thought about it in the last day since it happened! A woman drove by when we were out at 1407 and said she had prayed and was keeping her baby!” – Sue
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Monday, October 12, 2009
Mid-Point Rally TONIGHT!
TIME: 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM
Thursday, October 8, 2009
We must humble ourselves and seek His face…
“Samaria shall become desolate; for she hath rebelled against her God: they shall fall by the sword: their infants shall be dashed in pieces, and their women with child shall be ripped up.” Hosea 13:16
“If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:14
Like Samaria, our infants are dashed to pieces and our women with children are ripped up. We must humble ourselves, pray, seek His face, and turn from our wicked ways for Him to forgive us and heal our land. Humble yourself and seek his face by coming to pray before God on the corner of 1407 Union for an end to this atrocity.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
The War Against the Child
"I feel that the greatest destroyer of peace today is abortion, because it is a war against the child, a direct killing of the innocent child, murder by the mother herself…And if we can accept that a mother can kill her own child, how can we tell other people not to kill one another?" – Mother Teresa of Calcutta
Pray for an end to abortion and ultimately a respect of all human life from conception to natural death in front of Planned Parenthood at 1407 Union Avenue.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Praying for the Workers and Employees of Planned Parenthood
In our prayers we do not forget the workers and employees of Planned Parenthood.
“Cursed be he that taketh a bribe to slay an innocent person.” - Deuteronomy 27:25
Monday, October 5, 2009
Travelling All the Way From Missouri!
These ladies travel weekly all the way from Missouri to stand vigil. Kathy, one of the ladies, said that she would drive to Springfield, MO and pray there weekly until the clinic finally shut down there. Now she is going to come to Memphis and pray here until the clinic shuts down!
Most of us don’t have such a drive to make to just pray for an hour in front of Planned Parenthood for the workers, mothers, and children involved in their abortion practices… however, we don’t. Consider coming and praying with us before God on the corner of 1407 for an end to abortion.
The reality and intensity of our presence there constantly in prayer sends a message to the community about the reality and intensity of abortion.
Come join us, and pray that mothers will choose life!
Sunday, October 4, 2009
So Thankful for a Son He Previously Wanted to Abort
"I was standing with two others at Planned Parenthood when an older gentleman approached us. He began to tell us that twenty or so years ago his wife came to him and told him she was pregnant. He had told her to get an abortion, and she had said no. He said now, so many years later, he looks back in thanksgiving for her 'no.' He began to tell us of his son... how responsible and smart he is. He is studying to be an EMT, and comes over and spends time with him. He said the only thing he does not like about him is that his hair is too long and he listens to that 'awful rap.' He said this laughing. He kept telling us of his son. The joy that he found in him and the love he had for him poured out from his expression and words. He repeated to us again how thankful he was for his son and that his wife chose life... how truly ignorant he had been." - Marie
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Child #10 reported saved!
“Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever.” Psalm 107:1
“One girl came at about 11:30 am and said that she was having a baby boy and changed her mind about having an abortion when she saw the signs…please pray for her.” – Julie, prayer volunteer
Friday, October 2, 2009
An Answer to a Prayer: 9th Child Reported Saved from Abortion by God working through 40 Days for Life Memphis
Weeks will go by where our prayer volunteers will show up and pray for an end to abortion among other related petitions and we will see no fruit from those prayers. We must just have faith and trust that our faithfulness is pleasing to God and that he is hearing us and doing something with those prayers. Yesterday, we received an email from prayer volunteers (our two sisters mentioned in a previous post) accompanied by a picture of a woman named Shannon. It read:
“Hello to all. This lady is named Shannon. She came up to my sister and I yesterday at Planned Parenthood. She was so excited as she was talking with us. She let us know her little girl is alive because of 40 Days. These are Shannon’s words…
‘I had scheduled an abortion, but at night I would have bad dreams and toss and turn. I was very upset at the thought of having an abortion at Planned Parenthood. I finally said I just cannot do this!!! I read all about 40 Days in the paper, and I have saved that paper as a sign from God. I am so grateful I did not have an abortion. Do you want to see my little girl?’
Shannon had a peace and joy about her…
I looked on her phone and saw a picture of a beautiful baby. My sister and I were humbled and deeply touched by this. Thank you, Jesus!”
Here is the picture that accompanied the e-mail of Shannon:
We are so humbled and thankful here at 40 Days for Life Memphis for this mother who chose life and for this precious child. It brings to mind this verse:
“For this child I prayed; and the LORD hath given me my petition which I asked of him.” 1 Samuel 1:27
Thank you Jesus for giving us the blessing of knowing of this mother and child. It is such a grace to be able to see an answer to a prayer!
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Jesus Heals – Woman suffering post-abortion.
“A lady approached me as I was standing with Georgia tonight. Georgia was in the chair, and the lady walked up to ask if we had any literature. I went to the box, crouched down, and asked if she wanted crisis pregnancy info or info on 40 Days. She asked for both. I gave it to her and was explaining all that Life Choices offers. She asked if they took donations, and I said they did. She thanked me and started walking across the street toward Krystal's Restaurant. She stopped, turned around and walked back to me. Then she leaned a hand on the fire hydrant, and she looked like she had to steady herself. She closed her eyes, drew a deep breathe and said, this is for a testimony:
‘Jesus saved me, but I had three abortions. The doctor told me all three times that it was just cells and not a baby yet. I am not from here and this happened a long tome ago, but I know the truth now.’
Tears were streaming down her face. I don't know why I did not cry because I am crying typing this...I looked at her and said Jesus not only saves but He heals and He forgives. I told her about the Bible study that Life Choices has, and I asked if I could hug her. She hugged me as I told her God does forgive and that I will pray for her...” – Susanna
Thus says the Lord:
In Ramah is heard the sound
of moaning,
of bitter weeping!Rachel mourns her children,
she refuses to be consoled,
because her children are no more.Jeremiah 31:15