Thursday, March 26, 2009

Satan's 'Hissy Fit' in Memphis

The National 40 Days for Life Campaign recently blogged about the apparent hissy fit that Satan is throwing, which has been displayed across the nation at 40 Days for Life campaigns. Their blog post has inspired our own.

Melissa, said: "You know when abortions are happening here at Planned Parenthood because it is on those days that you receive the most negative and hateful feedback from those walking and driving past. He really hates us being here."

It is so true.

Marie said, "There were about six of us out there on Friday. I was talking to some of the other people and my back was turned to the street. All of the sudden everyone gasped. Someone had tried to throw a drink at me! Luckily, they were a very bad aim and missed me by a foot or so. It was so rude, but it just goes to show how the 'ol' boy' loathes us being there. I am ready to go back!"

Tom was standing in prayer at 4 AM when two young women drove past him and silly-stringed him. The silly string was there on the sidewalk for about three weeks. It just would not come off!

I think the most ridiculous and disgusting thing that happened to anyone standing vigil was someone screaming in support of Planned Parenthood as they drove by threw a pen at one of our prayer volunteers who was in a wheelchair!

Planned Parenthood has started a rather un-original campaign called "pledge-a-picketer" to, as they write, "make lemons out of lemonade" or something or other. As usual, everything is about money with them. As our Campaign Director said, "They fail to realize that God is far more powerful then money." This is beside the point though... the point is that as they advertise for their effort to "make lemonade" they call us an "anti-choice extremist campaign." It is honestly laughable as everything we do is peaceful, lawful, and prayerful. We simply stand there in prayer with signs saying, "Pray to End Abortion" and quoting Jeremiah 1:5. We are even praying for them!

They go on to say though, "These 'sidewalk counselors,' as they call themselves, carry grisly signs, intimidate patients as they enter and leave, and harass and annoy passersby."

One prayer volunteer, Missy, said: "Despite that we do not do any of that, ironically everything they say that we're doing out there has been done to us by their supporters."

Kerry said, "There is this one woman who drives down Pine Street most mornings. She has made a little sign on some construction paper which she holds up to her window, giving us either a rude face or gesture. All we do is smile and wave... ya know, lately she has stopped... I guess she just isn't as committed. Maybe she has had a coversion of heart."

Walter said, "It is interesting how some people can get so riled up by a simple sign asking them to pray to end abortion that they would stop their cars just to get out and flip us off and squench their face together before getting back in the car. It just goes to show that their conscience is really being bothered... I mean, 'pray to end abortion' ... how does that make someone so angry? I take comfort in these persecutions and I pray for them. I really think that one woman was hurting. She had probably had an abortion."

Like Walter, we take comfort because Jesus told us to expect opposition and that he would acknowledge our faithfulness, "Blessed are you when they insult you and persecute you and utter every kind of evil gainst you (falsely) because of me," He says in Matthew, "Rejoice and be glad, for your reward will be great in heaven."

While it is obvious that Satan despises our prayerful presence in front of Planned Parenthood it is even more obvious that God blesses and is pleased with it. Daily the amount of positive feedback we receive is triple anything negative we receive... even on abortion days. Anyone who has stood at Planned Parenthood in prayer can attest to the minor and major blessings God continues to shower on us as lives are saved, women are saved from a life of regret, woman and men are led to post-abortive counseling, people are comforted by our presence...

As the National Campaign Director wrote, "Knowing that Christ is blessing you is tremendously reassuring! The idea of Satan having a 'hissy fit' because of your prayerful witness is just a nice added bonus."

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