Sunday, March 22, 2009

He Regrets Lost Fatherhood

"Yesterday we were out there at around 4:00 pm and a man, Brian, walks up to us. He asks if we can give him a ride to a restaurant downtown where he had left his bag, as he had been cleaning windows that morning in an effort to get the money that had failed to be wired to him to finish his travel to Louisiana. We were a little leery. One of the men we were standing with told him, 'I tell you what… you hold this sign here and I will go get your bag.' Surprisingly Brian was alright with that. Then he looked over at me after about ten minutes with a look I won’t forget. He said, 'You know… I had two girlfriends that had abortions. I never would have guessed I would ever be doing this. If you would have told me even yesterday that I would be in Memphis on a street corner holding a sign that says 'Pray to End Abortion' I would have laughed at you.' He went on to tell me the pain and guilt he felt at agreeing to the murder of his children and how much he had wanted the child with his last girlfriend. We told him about Silent No More and the healing he could seek to overcome those feelings… I don’t know if he will actually seek that, but at the end of the day I was still standing there with him. As we packed up the supplies he said, 'Everything happens for a reason. God wanted me here today. Thank you.'"

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