Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Spring Break Spent Witnessing for Christ and Life

“My mother is the one that sent in the blog about the Fleece blanket being a poor substitute. Let me tell you my side.

When I came home from college for Spring Break, my mother presented me with a new Bible. I had been talking to her about needing a new Bible for some time and she went out and purchased one for me. I was so grateful! She helped me place my Bible tabs in so it would be easier for me to find the books. Later that night, I opened my Bible like I do every night to read a passage. It has become a new habit of mine to let the Bible fall open to a passage. I then read whatever passage the Bible opens to and write a little reflection on it. This night, the Bible was opened to Jeremiah 1:5. I think we all know that verse. I read it and wrote my little reflection. Two days later, we were at Church and my mom asked if I would like to sign up for 40 Days for Life. I immediately said yes because I knew God wanted me there. This is why I wasn't on a trip with friends for Spring Break - He wanted me spreading His Word.

The day that we were to stand out on Union was a cold, dreary day. I was worried about hecklers and people shouting nasty things because I knew I would not be able to hold my tongue. Yet, we went armed with blankets, Bibles, and rosaries. The entire time I was there, I felt God's presence with me. Yes, I was cold on the outside, but my heart and soul were warm because I was doing God's work. Yes, I received mean looks but mostly the looks I got were curious and wondering. I mean, not many college aged students would give up part of their Spring Break to go stand on a corner and pray. It was a wonderful experience. Later that night, I told a friend what I had done and he responded with, 'Wow. You volunteered on Spring Break? You stood on a street corner to protest abortion?' My response, 'Yes? Why? If I could make one person stop and wonder and question, then maybe, just maybe, I could help God change one person's heart. That is my hope.' And I believe that is all of our hope. In closing, I want to say thank you. This experience greatly impacted my life and I am so blessed to have been able to be a part of 40 Days for Life.” - Rachel


Anonymous said...

thanks, Rachel, for sharing that

Anonymous said...

thanks, rachel, for sharing that insight