Thursday, April 2, 2009

Christ has used and taught me so much!

I went down to Planned Parenthood to pray for some time on Tuesday. While I was there I was reading the Psalms and passing out Human Life Alliance Magazines when people would pass me. Everyone was very open to taking them. I would wish them a blessed day, and they would do the same back to me. We had three men come up to us at different times. Each one was intrigued by what we were doing, which was simply praying there. One was a guy who passes us when driving his ambulance each day. Another was a doctor at a Christian clinic. Another was a business man going into 1407 who is involved in a ministry that teaches kids the importance of living a pure life. It was very encouraging. They all wanted to get involved. They wanted to be a witness for life as well!

Then it started to rain a little. I went to go put up my chair and magazines and there was a man and woman standing by them smoking. They started a conversation with me. She said, “You know, I don’t understand why you’re out here.” I replied, “To pay to end abortion.”IMG_1864

“Why are you against abortion?” 

“It is the killing of a child.”

“No it isn’t.”

I smiled a little and pulled out one of my magazines. I showed her the development of the child and told her how after only 18 days the heart starts to beat. I showed her all the pictures. I began to explain to her the pain and regret most women who are post-abortive experience and how I am also praying for an end to abortion because of the hurt it causes women.

She was very willing to listen. She then started to tell me how her friend has six children and can’t afford to support them. She told me her friend was irresponsible in having children and that she should get an abortion.

I began to try to explain how it isn’t fair or right for a child to die because of the actions of the parent. A child’s human worth does not decrease because of the actions of the parent. It suddenly does not become “not a child.” It is still wrong to kill the child. I pointed out how our new President, Obama, wasn’t born into an ideal situation. Neither was Jesus Christ, our Savior. The young guy standing with us suddenly started to see what I was saying and began to agree.

After the guy had left she opened up to me about some tragic experiences she had went through in the past. I believe Christ taught us both something as we talked.

Being at the vigil site has given me so many opportunities to evangelize and aid people from all walks of life that pass and talk to us whether that be through my actions or through my words. And Christ has taught me so much from these people. I am so happy to be a part of this organization. – Lisa

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