Saturday, September 27, 2008

Some early successes

We've already seen some early successes in our 40 Days for Life campaign here in Memphis. One of our vigil participants relayed the following story:
Yesterday a woman approached me and said, "I do not agree with what you are doing. Planned Parenthood only gives out birth control they do not do abortions." I told her, "oh yes, they do. They are the largest provider in US. They do 1 in 4 abortions." She was shocked. Then I told her about the stepdad who took the daughter he had been molesting that was a minor to clinic in Calif. for a late term abortion, and they never reported the abuse. The child was molested for 4 more months until the mother found out...Her view was changed.
This is what our campaign is about. Seeing hearts changed and lives saved.


Stanschulz said...

I was standing vigil at 2:45 AM on Wednesday morning with another person. Channel 3 (Memphis) news came by and did a 7 minute interview. I have not yet seen it broadcast. I wonder if they decided to censor it? It would be good publicity if the show it.

Julie said...

On Friday, September 26, when my son and I were praying at the vigil site we were blessed to be approached by a woman who said she had decided not to abort her baby! We will continue to pray for those women who do not know the blessings of life.
