Two of our prayer volunteers were used by God to make an impression. They wrote us:
"We were standing vigil in the afternoon, only hours before the snow started to fall. It began to rain and sleet. We were holding our signs and giant umbrellas that kept going inside out. We continued though, trying to pray and keep in mind what actually happens in the building behind us. At one point a car pulled over and commented to us, 'Thank you for what you are doing. We were watching you from across the street at 'The Cupboard' [a restaurant]. We were just talking about the two of you standing here in this kind of weather. Wow. Thank you for what you are doing.'"
Someone else found our email and wrote us saying,
"I was visiting Memphis this past weekend and drove past your location on Union Street just as the sleet was starting. God bless you for being there in the horrible weather! A fellow Lifer from Mississippi."
When we stand there, no matter what the weather is like, we make an impression about the reality of what is behind us. It sends a message to our community and to Planned Parenthood. We, as Memphians, are not about to give up on seeking to protect life. We also do not want Planned Parenthood in our community. Especially when the weather is like it was and we still do not budge... it is a great testament to what is our strength: God.